
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
2 Corinthians 1: 1-11 "The God Who Raises The Dead"
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Youth pastor Will Hall delivers today's sermon from 2 Corinthians. He helps us to clearly understand these passages by explaining there are three ways in which Jesus raises us from the dead, spiritually, physically, and mentally. Listen to his sermon to hear how we can use trials in our lives to glorify God.

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Matthew 15: 1-20 "What Defiles..."
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sermon date: 7/18/2021
Do you practice your religion internally or externally? Do you have a new heart and a relationship with Christ? Pastor Anthony speaks today about getting lost in the worship of Jesus and letting Him make us clean on the inside. This sermon will help you understand the differences and how to be saved by the Grace of God.

Monday Jul 12, 2021
Matthew 14: 34-36 "A Trip To Gennesaret"
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Sermon date: 7/12/2021
This story illustrates how we may be used by God to bring other needy people to Jesus Christ for salvation. Pastor Anthony teaches us about 5 steps we need to take to be whole in the spirit.

Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Matthew 14: 22-33 "Five Assurances For the Storms"
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Jesus wants to teach us to be Christ followers. Using these passages, Pastor Anthony speaks about the storms we encounter in our lives and how we need to believe that Jesus will help us through them. Listen to this sermon to find out how Jesus guided the disciples to grow stronger in their faith in Him.

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Matthew 14: 13-21 "Three Essentials To Be A Christian"
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Sermon date: 6/28/2021
Today's sermon helps us to understand the meaning of these verses that speak about 3 simple lessons:
- Compassion for others
- Accepting our duties as Christ followers to be a minister
- Trusting Christ with all of our heart
Pastor Anthony goes deep into the meaning of these lessons to help us understand what Jesus is teaching.

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Matthew 14: 1-14 "A Godly Man vs. An Ungodly Man"
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Sermon date: 6/20/2021
Happy Father's Day! In today's sermon, Pastor Anthony speaks about these passages in Matthew being a "portrait in difference". From having a guilty conscience to feeling doom, regret and shame, Herod felt a multitude of emotions when sentencing John the Baptist to be beheaded, all of these emotions belonging to a godless man. Listen to this sermon to see how Herod compares to a someone having God in their life.

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
"The Peace of God"
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sermon 6/13/2021
Today our guest speaker is Will Hall, he graduated from Pensacola Christian College in 2020. He opens his message with a passage from Romans 5:1, Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Will goes into detail about how we need to make peace with God because God is faithful and just.
Listen to this sermon as Will explains how we should live in peace with God and each other.

Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Youth Sunday Sermons
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Today' sermon was delivered by two of our teens, Blake Clore and Luke Phillips. Both spoke about a word they chose from a list earlier in the year that they would try to follow. Blake's word that he chose is "Lead", his sermon title is "Four ways to lead like Jesus". The word Luke chose is "Go".
Listen to both of these young men explain what these words mean to them and how they act upon these words in their lives.

Sunday May 30, 2021
Matthew 13: 53-37 "Why Jesus is Rejected"
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
Do you reject Jesus because of a lack of understanding?
Are you offended by His authority?
Do you refuse to believe?
Pastor Anthony helps us to understand we need to come to Christ and teaches us the way to everlasting life with Jesus.

Sunday May 23, 2021
Matthew 13: 47-52 "The Net"
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sermon date: 5/23/2021
"The Parable of the Fishing Net"
In today's message, Jesus compares the kingdom of Heaven to a fisherman using a net to catch all kinds of fish and how only the good fish will be gathered and kept, the bad fish will be thrown back. LIsten to Pastor Anthony explain how we can become one of God's "keepers".