
Sunday May 16, 2021
Matthew 13: 44-46 - "The Treasure"
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sermon date 5/15/2021
The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
Have you committed your whole life to Jesus? One interpretation of these parables is that man is Jesus Christ, the treasure is His believers and the field is the world. Pastor Anthony goes into more detail about of all that is packed inside these few passages.

Sunday May 09, 2021
Matthew 13: 33-35 "A Little Goes A Long Way"
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sermon date: 5/9/2021
The Parable of the Yeast
-Have you allowed the yeast of Jesus Christ to enter into your life?
-Have you become active in putting the yeast of the gospel into other’s lives?
Pastor Anthony explores the true meaning of this parable and helps us understand that the yeast symbolizes the kingdom of God. Just like the way yeast permeates and grows the flour in bread, we are to spread the news of the gospel with others.

Sunday May 02, 2021
"Testimonies of Faith"
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
Charlotte Layne, a long time member of Fork Union Baptist Church, is our first guest speaker today, she explains how she lost religion and found faith.
Scott Thacker our second speaker, speaks about his salvation experience. For many years he was willing to serve as long as he wasn't challenged too much and was comfortable in what he was doing. He reveals what is needed to take that "next step" in becoming a Christ follower.

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Matthew 13: 31-32 "The Growth and Greatness of Christianity"
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Have you chosen to take refuge in Christ? Listen to Pastor Anthony's sermon on the Parable of the Mustard Seed. In these passages, Jesus shows us how Christianity can grow from something as small as a tiny mustard seed into a tree in which birds can come and rest and make nests in it's branches.

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Matthew 13: 24-30 "Focused or Distracted?"
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
In these passages, Jesus tells the Parable of the Weeds, Jesus is describing the kingdom of God. He is sowing gospel seeds throughout the world and raising up Christians. But at the same time, the enemy is in the world spreading counterfeit seed. In its immature state, it isn't always simple to discern the differences between those who belong to the kingdom and those who do not. We must remember to not let the weeds distract us from what God has for us in the field.

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Matthew 13: 1-9 & 18-23 "Soil Testing"
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sermon date: 4/11/2021
Is your heart ready to receive the living Word of God? Will each of us allow the Lord to show us the seed He is ready to plant and harvest? We can’t have a relationship with God if we don’t start with letting God have the keys to our hearts. In today’s message, Pastor Anthony helps us to understand that each of our hearts is the starting point to understand, grow and deliver the Word of God.

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
John 20: 1-20 "Seeing Jesus"
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Jesus is ALIVE and seated on the throne! Today Pastor Anthony's sermon looks at the resurrection through the eyes of Mary Magdalene.

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Matthew 13: 10-17 "Why Parables?"
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
In these verses by Matthew, the apostles ask Jesus why He teaches in parables. Pastor Anthony helps us to understand the meaning behind this method of Jesus' teachings.

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Matthew 12: 46-50 - "Family Matters"
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sermon date: 3/21/2021
Pastor Anthony speaks to us today and points out the biggest pressure a Christ follower can experience is from family. Family is one of the biggest blessings given to us from God and they can also be the most distracting and aggravating things on earth.
Listen to this sermon to see how Jesus differentiated between His biological and spiritual families.

Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Matthew 12: 38-45 "An Evil Generation Be Like..."
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sermon date: 3/14/2021
Pastor Anthony today points out that these passages are directed towards an evil generation that:
1. Demands a miraculous sign that Jesus is the Son of God
2. Refuses to repent
3. Refuses to seek God's wisdom
4. Follows a false religion
We must realize that the only way to defeat sin is through Christ Jesus.